Check smart status on HP Smart Array CCISS in Centos
Turn on smart enable
cciss,0 is disk 0
smartctl -s on --device=cciss,0 /dev/cciss/c0d0
smartctl -s on --device=cciss,1 /dev/cciss/c0d0
smartctl -s on --device=cciss,2 /dev/cciss/c0d0
To view smart status
cciss,0 is disk 0
smartctl --all --device=cciss,0 /dev/cciss/c0d0
info source
Centos Secure Remote Desktop Setting
Install Desktop & VNC Server
# yum -y groupinstall Desktop
# yum -y install tigervnc-server
Log in to your Centos server (via SSH) as the user you want to use to access VNC.
# cd ~/
# vncpasswd
setup the VNC Connection Password. It is different from the user password.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
# vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
Edit or Add this two lines
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768 -localhost"
2 — This indicates the port used for the VNC connection. Only the last digit is entered. For example, 1 defines port 5901. 9 indicates use of port 5909.
1024x768 — This sets the size that VNC renders your desktop. You can change it as you need.
-localhost — This option limits VNC to allow only local connections. This setting makes the VNC connection more secure when used in conjunction with an SSH tunnel.
Start the VNC Server Service
# service vncserver start
# chkconfig vncserver on
Use SSH to establish a secure tunnel:
Open PuTTY, select the saved session, and then click Load.
In the Category , from Connection click SSH, and then Tunnels.
Type and enter the following, and click Add:
Source port — Type 590, plus the port you specified in the VNC configuration file. Because we used port 2 in that example, then we enter 5902.
Destination — Type localhost:590, plus the port you specified in the VNC configuration file. Because we used port 2 in this example, we would enter 5902.
In the Category section, go to Session.
In the Saved Sessions field, type VNC Tunnel(or your server vnc tunnel as you like), and then click Save.
Use VNC Client to connect the server.
Open the PuTTY, select the Centos Server saved session, click Load, and then log in to your server. This opens the SSH Tunnel that you configured before.
Open your preferred VNC Client, type localhost:590[n] (where [n] is the port you specified in the VNC configuration file, and then press Enter. In this case is localhost:5902
# yum -y groupinstall Desktop
# yum -y install tigervnc-server
Log in to your Centos server (via SSH) as the user you want to use to access VNC.
# cd ~/
# vncpasswd
setup the VNC Connection Password. It is different from the user password.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
# vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
Edit or Add this two lines
VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768 -localhost"
2 — This indicates the port used for the VNC connection. Only the last digit is entered. For example, 1 defines port 5901. 9 indicates use of port 5909.
1024x768 — This sets the size that VNC renders your desktop. You can change it as you need.
-localhost — This option limits VNC to allow only local connections. This setting makes the VNC connection more secure when used in conjunction with an SSH tunnel.
Start the VNC Server Service
# service vncserver start
# chkconfig vncserver on
Use SSH to establish a secure tunnel:
Open PuTTY, select the saved session, and then click Load.
In the Category , from Connection click SSH, and then Tunnels.
Type and enter the following, and click Add:
Source port — Type 590, plus the port you specified in the VNC configuration file. Because we used port 2 in that example, then we enter 5902.
Destination — Type localhost:590, plus the port you specified in the VNC configuration file. Because we used port 2 in this example, we would enter 5902.
In the Category section, go to Session.
In the Saved Sessions field, type VNC Tunnel(or your server vnc tunnel as you like), and then click Save.
Use VNC Client to connect the server.
Then it will ask your vnc connection password. After you key in the correct password then you can see this similar screen.
That's All. Enjoy!
yum not yet finished
Sometimes yum not yet finihed some transaction.
Then you need to use this command to complete them first.
after some download and install. you can yum again!
Then you need to use this command to complete them first.
after some download and install. you can yum again!
Add Desktop mode for Centos minimal installation
Install Desktop Packages
# yum -y groupinstall "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" "X Window System" "Fonts"
You can install the following optional GUI packages.
# yum -y groupinstall "Graphical Administration Tools"
# yum -y groupinstall "Internet Browser"
# yum -y groupinstall "General Purpose Desktop"
# yum -y groupinstall "Office Suite and Productivity"
# yum -y groupinstall "Graphics Creation Tools"
If you want terminal emulator in X windows then you need to install this.
# yum -y groupinstall "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" "X Window System" "Fonts"
You can install the following optional GUI packages.
# yum -y groupinstall "Graphical Administration Tools"
# yum -y groupinstall "Internet Browser"
# yum -y groupinstall "General Purpose Desktop"
# yum -y groupinstall "Office Suite and Productivity"
# yum -y groupinstall "Graphics Creation Tools"
If you want terminal emulator in X windows then you need to install this.
# yum -y groupinstall "Legacy X Window System compatibility"
After that you need to edit the file
Change id:3:initdefault: to id:5:initdefault:
After complete the editing then reboot.
Shutdown -r now
If you find downloading the package encounter problem, you can try this
yum --enablerepo=updates clean metadata
and start again
You can enjoy the Desktop / CLI mode.
GUI to CLI: Ctrl + Alt + F6 CLI to GUI: Ctrl + Alt + F1
Centos Linux software raid problems reminder
Linux Software raid is a good arrangement for data protection against harddisk failure.
But , install Software Raid is not easy expect you use some lazy admin Linux like SME Linux http://wiki.contribs.org.
Some reminder for you & me are below:
Boot procedure after power on.
1. You need to confirm EFI function enabled or not or your server must use it or not.
If yes , something like high end server, you must create a EFI Boot Partition. If no, you can boot server up.
2. Some Server use hardware RAID Card. You cannot remove the card and connect the harddisk to system. So, if you still want to use software raid because some reason. You can try to config the RAID CARD that all single harddisk be a RAID 0 array. After that , Linux will see the harddisk as a single harddisk and not a array of group harddisk. Then you can install them with Linux Software Raid.
3. I use Centos 6.5 to install server. Sometimes cannot boot up after installation. I find that the Grub don't like the hardware RAID. So , we need to boot into rescue mode and chroot /mnt/sysimage.
Then , uncomment the lines in /etc/grub.conf.
Make sure /boot/grub/device.map is correct and something like that
(hd0) /dev/cciss/c0d0
(hd1) /dev/cciss/c0d1
Then run Grub
/sbin/grub --batch --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map --config-file=/boot/grub/grub.conf --no-floppy
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub> root (hd1,0)
grub> setup (hd1)
grub> quit
After that , reboot and should be enjoy!
or some of them can use this to make it boot -------------------------------------
boot rescue mode
chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/md0
Sample for Software Raid Partition but use HP P400i hardware raid controller.
Mount point
/dev/md0 as /boot
LogVol01 as /
If their EFI Boot partittion
/dev/sda1 as /boot/EFI
/dev/sda1 which is the partition you created for EFI boot setting.
But also need to copy this partition on the second harddisk as
But , install Software Raid is not easy expect you use some lazy admin Linux like SME Linux http://wiki.contribs.org.
Some reminder for you & me are below:
Boot procedure after power on.
1. You need to confirm EFI function enabled or not or your server must use it or not.
If yes , something like high end server, you must create a EFI Boot Partition. If no, you can boot server up.
2. Some Server use hardware RAID Card. You cannot remove the card and connect the harddisk to system. So, if you still want to use software raid because some reason. You can try to config the RAID CARD that all single harddisk be a RAID 0 array. After that , Linux will see the harddisk as a single harddisk and not a array of group harddisk. Then you can install them with Linux Software Raid.
3. I use Centos 6.5 to install server. Sometimes cannot boot up after installation. I find that the Grub don't like the hardware RAID. So , we need to boot into rescue mode and chroot /mnt/sysimage.
Then , uncomment the lines in /etc/grub.conf.
Make sure /boot/grub/device.map is correct and something like that
(hd0) /dev/cciss/c0d0
(hd1) /dev/cciss/c0d1
Then run Grub
/sbin/grub --batch --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map --config-file=/boot/grub/grub.conf --no-floppy
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)
grub> root (hd1,0)
grub> setup (hd1)
grub> quit
After that , reboot and should be enjoy!
or some of them can use this to make it boot -------------------------------------
boot rescue mode
chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/md0
Sample for Software Raid Partition but use HP P400i hardware raid controller.
Mount point
/dev/md0 as /boot
LogVol01 as /
If their EFI Boot partittion
/dev/sda1 as /boot/EFI
/dev/sda1 which is the partition you created for EFI boot setting.
But also need to copy this partition on the second harddisk as
Centos 6.5 network not startup after installation & then install SSH,LAMP and webmin
After startup Centos with root, key in
to start the setup utility
User the network setting to key in all the network info your server required and save it.
After that, edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
Find ONBOOT="no"
Change it into ONBOOT="yes"
If you user network manager then chkconfig NetworkManager on or
you use old network service then chkconfig network on
Install SSH
yum -y install openssh*
after installation complete. start the service
service sshd start
Install LAMP
yum -y install httpd php php-mysql mysql mysql-server
Set MYSQL start when boot and start now
chkconfig mysqld on
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Set Apache start when boot and start now
chkconfig httpd on
/etc/init.d/httpd start
After that , double check the firewall setting to make sure ports are opened correctly.
Edit use this command
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
After edit , please restart the service again
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
Double check the firewall status
/sbin/iptables -L -n
Download Webmin & install (Remarks, please install & start all service for LAMP before install webmin)
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.831-1.noarch.rpm
then install optional dependencies with :
yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty
and then run the command :
rpm -U webmin-1.831-1.noarch.rpm
more details can be find at :
to start the setup utility
User the network setting to key in all the network info your server required and save it.
After that, edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.
Find ONBOOT="no"
Change it into ONBOOT="yes"
If you user network manager then chkconfig NetworkManager on or
you use old network service then chkconfig network on
Install SSH
yum -y install openssh*
after installation complete. start the service
service sshd start
Install LAMP
yum -y install httpd php php-mysql mysql mysql-server
Set MYSQL start when boot and start now
chkconfig mysqld on
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Set Apache start when boot and start now
chkconfig httpd on
/etc/init.d/httpd start
After that , double check the firewall setting to make sure ports are opened correctly.
Edit use this command
vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
After edit , please restart the service again
/etc/init.d/iptables restart
Double check the firewall status
/sbin/iptables -L -n
Download Webmin & install (Remarks, please install & start all service for LAMP before install webmin)
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.831-1.noarch.rpm
then install optional dependencies with :
yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty
and then run the command :
rpm -U webmin-1.831-1.noarch.rpm
more details can be find at :
SME Server 9.0 Sysmon Installation
The installation for sysmon on the web of SME Linux is not updated.
Please try this step that I can install Sysmon on SME9.0
Sysmon is needed the gettext. So install it.
yum install gettext --enablerepo=sme8contribs,smecontribs
Fping is also a needed things. So get and install it.
wget http://rpmfind.net/linux/dag/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
The last procedure is download sysmon and install.
wget http://sme-mirror.firewall-services.com/releases/8/smecontribs/i386/RPMS/smeserver-sysmon-6.2-
rpm -Uvh smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
After installation, please update the SME 9.0 system via server manager/software installer and reboot.
If not update, I find that the sysmon cannot draw the graph correctly.
Please try & enjoy.
You can use this text include all command
yum install gettext --enablerepo=sme8contribs,smecontribs
wget http://rpmfind.net/linux/dag/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
wget http://sme-mirror.firewall-services.com/releases/8/smecontribs/i386/RPMS/smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
Please try this step that I can install Sysmon on SME9.0
Sysmon is needed the gettext. So install it.
yum install gettext --enablerepo=sme8contribs,smecontribs
Fping is also a needed things. So get and install it.
wget http://rpmfind.net/linux/dag/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
The last procedure is download sysmon and install.
wget http://sme-mirror.firewall-services.com/releases/8/smecontribs/i386/RPMS/smeserver-sysmon-6.2-
rpm -Uvh smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
After installation, please update the SME 9.0 system via server manager/software installer and reboot.
If not update, I find that the sysmon cannot draw the graph correctly.
Please try & enjoy.
You can use this text include all command
yum install gettext --enablerepo=sme8contribs,smecontribs
wget http://rpmfind.net/linux/dag/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh fping-3.1-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
wget http://sme-mirror.firewall-services.com/releases/8/smecontribs/i386/RPMS/smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh smeserver-sysmon-6.2-2.el5.sme.noarch.rpm
文章 (Atom)