
intel high definition dsp not working after Microsoft windows update

  • In Device Manager, go to the View menu and switch from 'Devices by type' to 'Devices by connection' to change how devices are displayed.
  • Scroll down to Device Manager and locate the device called 'Intel High Definition DSP' (which should still be highlighted) to see that it's now listed underneath an item called 'Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller' .
  • Right-click on 'Intel(R) Smart Sound Technology (Intel(R) SST) Audio Controller'  ( NOT 'Intel High Definition DSP') and choose 'UPDATE DRIVER"
  • Choose "search for drivers on your computer" and after "choose from a list of available drivers on your computer" (I don't know the real label in english, I'm traslating)
  • select "Controller for High Definition Audio"  and install this driver
  • Should be OK NOW!
