



過去一星期,我在深水埗的一些開放式飯堂(food court),看見一位伯伯,帶了一個包裝飲品及兩個麵包,靜靜的吃。我心想,不能帶外來食物啊!但停了一下,心想,他就是家中無冷氣,而且也沒多錢在這裏吃午飯,所以才要這樣。另一邊廂,有另一位伯伯,致電一些放租房間的電話,談論著200尺,五千多元,我家四人住,200尺是包括廚廁的。伯伯說,我再考慮一下。其他的查詢,說四人,應該不夠住了。他們選擇的方式,先是價錢,再看能有甚麼大小及環境。我們現住的地方,是甚麼模樣的呢?



馬太福音 10:42 (和合本)

路加福音 10:2 (和合本)


Missing all file permissions on windows server(any version) after save an office document.(Word,Excel or others)

The Microsoft support let us know that this is definitely a Defender issue going back to an update released. We had to apply this command on the PC which is using Microsoft Defender to resolve the issue:

Open Power Shell use this command


  1. Enter Get-MpComputerStatus

  2. check AMRunningMode 

If it is running(Microsfot Defender) that shows standard or passive mode than

key in the command in the power shell to disable the network files scanning function in Microsoft Defender.

Set-MpPreference -DisableScanningNetworkFiles $true

I wish the above procedures can help you fix  the problem. God bless you.


Turn win7 or win 10 into Wireless router( desktop or notebook computer must with both LAN and Wireless interface cards)

Use command prompt with admin rights

NETSH WLAN show drivers

confirm the wireless interface is support the function

Hosted network supported : Yes


NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ssid key=passphase

NETSH WLAN start hostednetwork

NETSH WLAN stop hostednetwork

Other useful command

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode=allow

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork mode= disallow

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork ssid=New_SSID

NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork key=New_Passphrase

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork

NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork setting=security

If you want to remove the setting completely. Please do this as below:

User Regedit 


delete this DWORD in the above registry



Enable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 in JAVA 1.8.0_321

Edit the JRE_HOME/lib/security/java.security file (Example: C:\program files\java\lib\security\java.security or C:\program files (x86)\java\lib\security\java.security). 

Find the line similar like this: 

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \

and remove the TLSv1, TLSv1.1

the line will be like this 

jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \


SMB Printer sharing problem with error code 0x0000011b

This problem is caused in the Host PC (after some windows update) so just change the setting in the HOST PC connected with the printer only. Do not need to modify any setting in the client PC.

In the Registry Editor , navigate to  ‘Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print’, then right click in the blank space and choose ‘DWORD (32-bit) Value’

Rename the NEW Key DWORD value to ‘RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled’

confirm the value is "0" zero

And then restart the Printer spooler service 

Key in services.msc in the search console.

Find the printer spooler service and right click and select restart.

Wait for the restart and go to the client PC try to print it again.

It should be OK now. 

God bless you. Jesus loves you.